HOBBY FARM aka (CHAINED) is an action-packed gangster film set in the outskirts of Sydney in the late 1970s.
Out of jail after 5 years, Julian is rewarded by his crime syndicate for keeping quiet.
He is put in charge of a gentlemen’s pleasure house (the Hobby Farm) and trusted with the proceeds of illegal
gambling. But the women he meets and the secrets he carries proves deadly.
When faced with the horrific treatment of one of the kidnapped girls newly brought to the farm, Julian must overcome the demons of his own past and turn against the only life he has ever known, to save the girls, and himself.
Director : Brad Diebert
Producer : Paul Murphy, Brad Diebert& Glen Whitely
Cast : Paul Murphy, Travis McMahon, Vince Sorrenti & Gerard Kennedy
Running Time : 94 minutes
Release : 2008
Copyright © MCMLXXXVIII (2008) All Rights Reserved.