This event documentary, produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Sean McGinly examines the grief, hope and emotions of 31 men who lost brothers in the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001.
The inspiration for the program came from the fact that Sean lost one of his own brothers, Mark, in the World Trade Centre on that day. “Brothers” is presented in TV one hour format.
The interviews are with the brothers of a wide cross section of men who met their untimely end that day. Some were very successful stockbrokers, some firemen and some in food service at Windows on the World restaurant.
Even after 3 years has elapsed, the pain is still all too real and many of the brothers felt making this film was both a tribute to their lost sibling and in some ways helped to deal with their continuing sense of loss.
These men invite us into their homes and open their hearts.
The events of that dreadful day are recounted and interspersed with loving memories from childhood and growing up together, shared experiences now cut short.
Many of the interviews were arranged through Stephanie Zessos, a Ground Zero volunteer who worked from a tent set up nearby to provide sustenance for the firemen at the site.
“Brothers” is a touching and ultimately life affirming look at one aspect of the aftermath of this world shattering event.
Director : Sean McGinly
Producer : Stephanie Zessos
Running Time : 54 minutes
Release : 2004
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