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Golden Ninja Invasion copy

The Black Ninjas are on a rampage of murder, looting and destruction. They set up an underworld society which is backed up by another world country. Their purpose is simple and clear - to take over Thailand and smuggle military armaments in order to start a series of invasions. The Golden Ninja fights for justice to bring peace to the land, by hiding her identity, penetrating the black ninja gang and revealing inside information. They fight mercilessly for ultimate control.

Cast: Wayne Archer, Stuart Smith, Chiang Tao, Sun Chien, Sorapong Chatree
Producer: Tomas Tang
Director: Chiang Tao

Format: Color, 35mm,
Languages: English, Spanish, German, French.
Feature Length: 90 minutes



Copyright © MCMLXXXIV (1986) by FILMARK LIMITED. All Rights Reserved.