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I.F.D. FILMS AND SERVICES is diversified entertainment company bringing the best entertainment to the world. The company focuses on films and television content origination, aggregation and worldwide distribution.

Founded in November 1973, I.F.D is one of the oldest film companies in Hong Kong. I.F.D. Film Arts and Services owns all the I.F.D., Asso Asia and Adda Audio Visual libraries.

I.F.D is synonymous with martial arts action, after defining the genre worldwide with classics such The Magnificent, The Dragon The Hero and Dragon on Fire.

However, only half of I.F.D. films are martial arts! The company tackled other genres, including psychological thrillers, horror, fantasy, ninja films, drama, war and animation.

I.F.D. Film Arts and Services has had a lasting impact on popular culture. The company has a back-catalogue of over 200 titles, and a rich character canon including Bruce Lee clones, ninjas, mobsters, psychopaths, femme fatales and, surprisingly, a giant snake.

Meeting all your licensing needs in HD and 4K.
Digital Streaming/V.O.D./Cable and Television/Theatrical/Video.

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